Thursday, August 19, 2004

Hi Michelle:

I am doing OK. I have been busy trying to fix this e-gov system
that is still having problems, whose problems coincided with
thanksgiving a year ago. I am still working in SF, same place,
same number. I also taught strategic management for awhile at
Hayward State. I am in between quarters now -- not sure if there
will be any monies for my position there. I think I have to
devote some time on my dissertation. I delayed doing any work on

Stephen Wong (who you met at the church camp) asked about you a
few weeks back. He wants to go bike riding in the pennisula; but
I told him my heart was not into yet to venture there yet.
Likely, I will take him up on the offer this saturday as
Christina will be in SF to watch John Q at the Metreon with her
church fellowship. I promised Stephen I would consider it.
Because the weather looks nice, it looks like a weekend of
biking. I had been doing some indoor cycling at the 24hr
Sporting Club in San Ramon; but they kicked me out last night
when they realized that my 24hr Fitness membership wasnt valid

Reverend Kan also asked about you a few months ago; as did Jeff
Liu (the optometrist).

Christina has grown more and has become much more mature now.
She can even wear my pants now. We have been snow boarding the
past weekends. She will celebrate her birthday this year at
South Lake Tahoe with her church fellowship. She also stopped
visiting her grandparents last May. It shocked the heck out of
me when she told me she didnt want to see them anymore. She
likes the bay area a lot, especially the church in SF chinatown.
Two college-aged girls have taken the role of big sister to help
her. She was baptised in January at a baptist church in
Sacramento that we used to attend. Somehow she understands the
differences between methodists and baptists. You would have been
proud of her; she gave an awesome testimony and did a violin
solo. A dear brother warned me, you better watch out she is
going to become a beautiful woman and all these boys are going to
end up chasing her. Maybe you can see the VCD on it whenever I
finish editing it.

I am getting more active in the church in SF. I will be
attending the BASS conference next week in Castro Valley and a
church career conference in Santa Cruz. I am looking forward to
the conference in Santa Cruz as its focus is on a bible character
I can relate to (Job). Job was a righteous man who had lost
everything -- his assets, his health, his wife, and children; but
Job prevailed and was richly rewarded for his perservence.

I have been traveling some recently. I am still contemplating
where to visit this easter break. Christina wants to go to
either Hawaii or Paris. I am thinking more the far east or
Canada. May have to flip the coin on this one.

In all, I am coping the best I can. It is difficult for me to
develop much encouragement and confidence. I have been playing
encourager and mentor for so long -- to students, to my staff, to
Christina, and to my church children that I have become so
emotionally drained. I keep to myself; but am inspired and

Sincerely yours,



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