Offically 10 Years
9/9 has officially marked the 10 years my mom has not be with us.
9/11 has marked 3 years from 9/11/01
On 9/24 it will be mommy's birthday...
9/9 has officially marked the 10 years my mom has not be with us.
9/11 has marked 3 years from 9/11/01
On 9/24 it will be mommy's birthday...
Wow I'm in a lot of pain lately both emotionally and physically.
Today through out the whole day I couldn't and still can't turn my left side of the head and back. Ahh it hurts!
5. When I sense sexual temptation, I should:
a. hang around
b. call my friends and share the good news
c. flee!
I have to put a warning on this xanga entry just cause I don't think some people (mainly guys) will be able to handle it. Haha. Don't get me wrong... but some guys seriously might be disturbed after reading the entry. But anyway, I was reading some poems/articles my current favorite HK/Chinese singer wrote for a magazine. Most of the poems are about love, others are about religion, family, childhood memories, or just a personal critique. Well, I came across one poem that I thought just rang too true for all women everywhere. You'll have to forgive the roughness of the grammar, it's translated from Chinese. So here goes nothing...
"Monthly Period" - Sammi Cheng.
Women should have an extra 12 days of vacation than men because every month women have to go through a few days of period.
When at its peak, the worst thing that can happen is to attend long meetings that lasts for 4 hours in constant worry, then stand up to check whether the white chair has an "extra" pattern on it, but is assured with a sigh of relief if nothing is there!
There is more! On a hot summer's day, have to put up with wearing black or dark clothing, in worry that it'll become "a red dot in the forest".
Even more, because of the contractions, there will be cramps. Male co-workers will ask in concern, but have to lie that it is only indigestion. And with sincerity, they hand you 2 pills; you only have to take the pills!
Days go by, and finally ended up with indigestion!
Adding up all the trouble, only to prepare yourself for children, whether you plan to have children or not, you still have to suffer!
A day of holiday every month for period, 1 year has 12 months, total of 12 days, men, do you dare to disagree?
I was actually quite amused after reading the poem/reflection or whatever you want to call it. Yes, sucks being a girl. Only that part though... other than that, I don't think I have problems. Maybe the whole pumping out a baby thing, but it's supposed to be worth it. Haha. :P
Fish Tacos
Homemade Rice Krispy Treats
Hot Homemade Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter, and or Raisin Oatmeal Cookies
Jamba Juice Mango a Go Go
Green Tea Ice Cream
Wow today 7th period we had to run a mile. Yes, in the sweltering hot sun. All good though, yeah!? Well I was really tired but I still managed a nice 7:19 min mile! Woot woot...
PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) is a term used to describe a cluster of physical and emotional distress occurring late in the post ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle and sometimes overlapping with menstruation. (See the charts on our Menstrual Cycle page if you would like a better understanding of the physiology of this cycle.) We are talking about the time one or two weeks before your period begins. Remember, every woman is different.
Symptoms usually increase in severity until the onset of your period and then disappear dramatically. Among these symptoms are weight gain, breast swelling and tenderness, abdominal distention, water retention, backache, acne, fatigue, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, sensations of prickling/tickling on skin, herpes/cold sores, bruising easily, joint pain/arthritis, body aches, poor concentration, difficulty making decisions, insomnia, loneliness, greater need for sleep, headache, anxiety, mood swings, depression, crying spells, cravings for sweets or salty foods.
The real cause for PMS is still unknown. It is estimated that 75 - 80 % of all women experience some PMS symptoms during their lifetime. The incidence of PMS seems to increase with age, so as a teenager you may not experience PMS. It seems to be less common in women in their teens and twenties, so as you get older you may find yourself experiencing PMS. But don't stress about that now.
Although PMS is clearly related to the production cycle of ovarian hormones, these symptoms are not directly related to the levels of these hormones. Fluctuations in the balance of estrogen and progesterone may be one of the causes of PMS. I know this sounds confusing, it is still confusing many medical people. One hormonal fluctuation can cause one symptom which leads to another symptom, and so on.
Estrogen excesses, progesterone deficiencies, Vitamin B6 deficiencies, low levels of serotonin (a brain chemical), an excess of prolactin (a protein hormone that induces lactation), and altered glucose metabolism are among the many different theories that attempt to explain PMS, but none have been proven.
(Update - Sept. 2002)... Researchers now know that PMS is not a simple result of an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone — commonly referred to as “female hormones”, or any other single hormone. A number of studies have found nothing abnormal in the levels or ratios of these hormones in women who experience PMS.
A complex interaction of neurohormones and other brain chemicals are suspected to have a more direct relationship in triggering PMS. Exactly how these brain chemicals change with or affect the menstrual cycle remains unclear. However, treatment studies are becoming more focused and will most likely soon lead to a better understanding of the menstrual cycle and the effects of hormones on human behavior.
For example, three recent studies have pointed to calcium deficiency as a main culprit causing premenstrual syndrome. Therefore, calcium supplementation may go a long way toward helping you to relieve your PMS symptoms. In one study, researchers found that women who received 1,200 mg of calcium carbonate each day for three menstrual cycles had a 50 percent reduction in PMS symptoms particularly mood swings or depression, pain, cravings, and water retention — plus many of the other symptoms, as well.
Calcium deficiency triggers an elevation of female hormones in the body to stabilize the imbalance. The relationship between the abnormal calcium levels and female hormones triggers PMS symptoms. If you correct this imbalance, you will return hormone levels to their normal range. Some experts think that PMS may be a simple mineral deficiency, and that PMS symptoms could be a monthly reminder to you that you aren't consuming enough calcium, and possibly not enough vitamin D.
For many years, PMS was believed to be purely psychological. Many women were even diagnosed as being mentally ill from PMS. We now know that PMS is a physical problem involving many of the bodies hormones that work together normally, but are imbalanced during this time of a women's cycle.
Treatment is individualized depending on the type and severity of symptoms. It may include changing what you eat, over-the-counter drugs (ibuprofen (Advil) or naproxen (Aleve), or medication prescribed by your health care provider. One approach to managing PMS provides medical and social support that may include education of the patient and her family and eliminating fear and incorrect beliefs about menstruation. If you suffer from PMS see your health care provider or gynecologist.One of the most important strategies for coping with premenstrual discomfort is developing self-awareness. The more you are aware of a pattern, the better able you will be to develop strategies to recognize and cope with your symptoms, whatever they may be.
When the chemistry of the brain is better understood, we might get a better understanding of this complex disorder that produces such a wide range of symptoms for so many women. The true incidence and nature of PMS has only recently been recognized by some health care providers, and its cause and treatment are still being studied.
While the numbers are staggering the medical profession remains at odds when it comes to identifying a cause, diagnosis and effective treatment. Today many doctors fail to acknowledge the existence of PMS; most lack the knowledge and available time required to effectively treat this female anomaly. You may find that a female health care provider is more empathetic to your needs if you suffer from PMS.